Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Behind the Design: Tablescape Scale & Proportion - Prt1

Can I share something with you? I love Orchids... oh how I love Orchids. They are actually one of my favorite flowers. Image the perfect Orchid. Vibrant in color, the petals are soft and lush, flawless in shape and completely unblemished - an element that would be the perfect accent to any design. Imagine placing that same exquisite Orchid in water... can you see it? The perfect Orchid gracefully floating on a shimmering surface, perhaps creating the ideal centerpiece - beautiful isn't it? Now, image that the "water" is actually the size of a "kiddy pool". Let's take it a step further and image the orchid in an Olympic-sized swimming pool. The gorgeous flower is now lost in a vast landscape.... not so impressive huh.

It doesn't matter how beautiful a centerpiece is if it's the wrong scale and is in the wrong proportion for the table's design. One of the biggest mistakes I notice in tablescape design is ignoring the scale of the surface area (table) and using a centerpiece that doesn't work with the total proportion of the table.

In Art and Design the "Proportion" (comparative parts of or measurable ratio of an object) and "Scale" (referring to size) of items are essential in the development of design graphics, layout of interior designs, the creation of sculptures and even the content seen in paintings. In wedding or event design, proper scale doesn't just apply to the massive "over the top" centerpieces seen in some sweeping tablescape designs, it also refers to the most simple, sleek, modern and minimalist designs. Proportion and scale should be utilized to create any well thought out design. The key is for the design to be the right scale for the area in which it will be displayed. Generally speaking, a centerpiece should take up about 1/3 of the total surface area of the table. It should also be designed in balance with all the other items that will take up the space on the table such as glassware, china, place cards, etc. Remember, a "good design" traditionally results in; a fully functioning concept that respects the materials, suites the methods used, and combines them in an imaginative expression.

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