Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Holiday Home Entertaining: Showcase Seasonal Scenes

Showcase Seasonal Scenes:

Oh, how we love this time of year.  Crisp cool air, warming smiles from friends and loved ones.  Best of all we welcome those who mean the most to us into our homes for celebration and sharing. 

This season is also known as the "Holiday of lights" and we looove candles. Well, I use any excuse to use candles but for the holidays it's a must.  Here's a quick home entertaining tip.  For your next home holiday party try nestling pillar candles in a bed of whole coffee beans, whole Cloves, whole Star Anise, broken cinnamon sticks, or any of your favorite other whole, dry spices. Light the candles and as they warm an your home will fill with the fragrance.  Cheers!!

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