Sunday, September 11, 2011

Reflections... 10 years ago today

One of our core philosophies at Vivid Expressions LLC is "Celebrating the blessings of love, marriage, family, and friendship in all of life's occasions." It is not lost on us how precious these values are today as our nation remembers the 10 Anniversary of September 11th, 2001. Life is always in a state of change - sometimes growth, others pain, other times peace and even joy. So many lives were changed that day.

My story? Like many, I watched and in awe and uncertainty. Wondering what was going on, what to do and later how I could help. My life is much different today. A world away from those days of holding down more than one job. Freelance Fine Arts, Animation and Marketing work on the sides and a full-time Trainer for a contractor for (at the time) the nation's largest telecommunications in their high-speed technologies division. I and the other members of our Training time was responsible to distributing updated training to the sales floor of nearly 300 representatives that day when the news unfolded throughout the morning. I remained (as usual) positive, encouraging, energetic and focused on the task at hand to our reps however, inside I was felt the same disbelief and worry that we all did. My heart when out to those in New York. I wondered about the plane that went down in Pennsylvania and I thought about, prayed about and worried about family and friends in DC. I, like everyone else that day, know our world had changed forever.

Today I recognize how blessed I am and how strong we are as a nation. I'm grateful, proud and will never forget the loss and the heroes of that day.

Today I'd like to do a little something different...

I'd like to invite you to join us in our philosophy today. Please share your own love, remembrance, pride, and gratitude with us as we open this post to the "Comments" section below.

God blessed America.

Blessed wishes to you all,


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