Monday, December 14, 2009

Holiday Table Ideas: Sight, Smell and Spirit

Ah the holidays and you know what that means... home entertaining. Here's the 1st of a few creative Holiday table decorating (and later serving) ideas.

For those of you how enjoy decorative projects consider re-purposing old clear vases and glassware by painting them. Use speciality glass paint and create fun and festive table decor elements that can double as gifts or favors.

Another simple table decor idea that is sure to warm the heart are picture frames. We all have tons of old pictures tucked away in closets, drawers or trapped on our digital camera. This is the perfect time to display them. Gather together all of your childhood pictures, pictures from holidays past, or pictures of dear relative who are no longer with us -the more the better. Small photos such as 4" x 5" or even smaller are ideal for this. Next choose a selection of frames - this is the perfect time to use frames that don't match, that very is size, shapes and style. The key will be to have them in the same color scheme. I love using neutrals and metallic colors. Head to a discount story and grab those clearance aisle frames. Don't worry if they don't match - a quick trip to the hardware store, a can of spray paint (perhaps in white, silver or gold) and you have an eclectic and beautiful collection of frame. Just remember to follow spray paint instructions and work in a well ventilated place. Now, place your pictures in the frames and cluster them on the dinner table, place infront of each guest, or arrange them in a row, varying in height - this will not only create visual interest and rhythm but the illusion of a runner down the center of your table.

Not the artistic type... no problem. Try this simple decoration - a fantastic alternative to plain or expensive scented candles. Fill vases, small containers or event tumblers and wine glasses with ground coffee (this also works well with cranberries or even cloves and cinnamon sticks). Then nestle a tealight, votive, or small pillar candle in the center. It creates an elegance table element for any holiday dinner table and as the candle warms the coffee the scent of coffee will begin to waft through the air. By the end of the dinner guests will certainly be ready for coffee and dessert.

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