Monday, February 22, 2010

Vow Bridal Event & Rising Above Near Design Disaster

When I started the "Countdown until Vow Bride's 10th Anniversary Bridal Event" posts on our blog I was hoping for an inspiring and unforgettable ending... boy did I get one. Here's a recap of the last 36 hours. Saturday evening I completed my checklists, packed our vehicle in preparation to leave at 6am to arrived at the Virginia Beach Convention Center and beginning our elaborate booth and tablescape display set-up.

Sunday, 5:30am. After waking up with the building anticipation of the day ahead, my Husband and I stepped out the front door to head to the Virginia Beach Convention Center and were slammed with shock and disbelief - the vehicle was gone. While my Husband called the police and began reporting the missing car, I was on the phone with the Vow Bridal Show producers and my contacts at the Virginia Beach Convention Center informing everyone on the situation. As the sun rose we faced the fact that the vehicle and it's contents may or may not be located that morning. The truth was there was nothing we could do until the next day. Now, with a major Bridal Event only a couple of hours away here came the moment that defines the Event Industry Professional. As I was recently reminded by one of my fave industry colleagues, Daevids of Norfolk, Creative people like us sometimes work best under pressure. I had two choices, I could stay home, crawl under the covers and work my way through a tub of ice cream or I could do what true Wedding Pros do... preserve. I took a deep breath and did the same thing I would do for any of my Clients - Rise to the design challenge!

Thinking about it now, this is a perfect example of why it is so important to work with an Event Professionals. We have immediate access to industry contacts and resources that the average Bride may not have access to. I strategically went through our available inventory for decorative products that would work with a vibrant color scheme of green, pink and orange and a spring theme, reached out to my network of colleagues and was able to secure one or two additional items, and as my Husband drove us to the Convention Center I sketched out a new tablescape design concept in black and white. We arrived, implemented the new design and in a mater of moments was able to create the display below.

Following pics are from our friends at Tidewater Production Inc. Thanks Ken!

Ok, I admit, I've been a little fixated on my own display throughout this post and that is not fair. The "Vow Bride 10th Anniversary Bridal Event" was a truly phenomenal Bridal show - filled with exceptional professional wedding vendors, breathtaking Bridal Fashions, exquisite food and so much more. The Virginia Beach Convention Center staff, Vow Bride and Style Event teams were amazing, and I received so much support and encouragement from all my fantastic event colleagues. I will share a full recap of the event soon but for now enjoy the pics and feel free to let me know what you think. I'd love to hear your feedback at

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