Monday, September 27, 2010

Left Behind - Waisted Favors, Waisted Money

The last song is playing, the guests are saying their "Good-byes", and the blissful Bride & Groom are heading to their honeymoon suite. As the Ballroom or Reception hall's lights raise and the room is illuminated the break-down process swiftly begins and dozens of staff and event professionals buzz around clearing, uninstalling, removing and cleaning. Now, if I've done my job my Client is completely oblivious to this is "Behind the scenes magic" however if you've ever attending a wedding reception odds are you've noticed one thing we occasionally see as well.

Think about, the celebration is coming to end and you begin to gather your jacket, purse or keys. You look down and you see them. Scattered across the table - leftover favors. Maybe you feel bad that the Bride & Groom took the time (and money) to select those bottles of bubbles or tulle wrapped Jordan Almonds (which I personally avoid) and you decide to take one just out of courtesy. Of course, they will probably end up in a drawer or even the trash once you get home.


Some Couples spend a good deal of money purchasing the same old types of "generic" favors for 50, 150, 225, 300 or more guests only to have about half of them left behind on the tables after the event is over. So why are they left behind? Because they are so generic or simply don't have any practical use. After all, not everyone will want a tiny tube of bubbles. The truth is, I always advise my Clients to spend money on the things they really want as a part of the experience of their special day. I ask them to think creatively and "out-side-of-the-box" when it comes to traditions. Some Couples have simply choosen not offer their guests favors however, they often feel guilty about not having something special designated as a souvenir of their "Special Day".


The solution is to make favors unique and to only give favors to those who REALLY want them. Select favors that guests can only receive if they really want them - items that are made "on-the-spot" or that serve a purpose other than just remembering the day. Here are a few great ideas that wont be left behind on the table:

Take-away Buffets or Bars:
Candy or Dessert Buffets continue to be very popular. Gee, I wonder why? Perhaps it is the fact that they allows us to have that "kid in a Candy Store" feeling. It's a great favor option because guests can select and package their own goodies in bags or boxes designed to commemorate the day. Because this is self-serve only the guests who want the candy (and will take the candy home) will get the candy. For a more Adult favor consider other theme "Buffets or Bars" such as Cigar Bar with a professional who hand-rolls cigars with custom design label band displaying the Bride & Grooms name. Also, consider a Coffee Bar. I know a vendor who produces custom roasted gourmet coffee so I suggested to a Client to have some custom printed mugs or small packaged bags of coffee right next to the Coffee station. That way only the coffee lovers would pick one up.

On-the-spot Art:
Smile!! Personal pictures made on the spot are another way to make sure only the guests that want a special keepsake will take one home. Photo booths are not just for Corporate Holiday Parties, Sweet Sixteen or Bat/Bar Mitzvah celebrations - for the last few years Photo booths have gained and still continue to grow ing popularity for wedding receptions of fun and fabulous Brides & Grooms. Usually, the Booths are an all inclusive services. They are set-up with an operator throughout the event and in a matter of about 3 minutes guests walk away with a few photos that usually has the Couples name and date on it. In the same 3 or 5 minutes you can also have a Caricature Artist draw pictures of your guests. Once again, only the guests who want one will receive one.

Double Duty Favors:
Lastly consider favors that may serve two purposes - perhaps acting as decorative elements for the table. For example: I sometimes have Clients who would love to have chargers or elaborate place setting at the tables but find it is outside of the budget. Instead we print Special Cards. Menu cards are placed at every seat with special messages such as a poem or lyrics from the Couples first dance song to enhance the look of each place setting. These cards then serve multiple purposes - decorating the place setting, informing guests of the menu, sharing a sentimental touch and guests can opt to take it with them as a memento.

Finally, select a favor that guests are never meant to take home anyway. This is one of my favorite favors, Donation Favors. Donation Favors are available for Brides, Grooms, and other Party Hosts who want to give a charitable (and tax-deductible) donation in lieu of buying traditional wedding or event favors for their guests. The organization provides them with special favors (personalized cards, elegant bookmarks, etc.) along with information about their donation gift. Usually, the suggested donation is anywhere from $2 to $5 per guest which includes the cost of printing. Best of all, these favors are never a waist of money!

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