Friday, December 10, 2010

Work Ethic... when events become work.

What is your Personal Work Ethic Philosophy? I recent saw truly inspiring Oprah Winfrey on a Barbara Walters special discussing some of her own (no pun intended) philosophy on work, charity, legacy and being of service to others to a divine or philanthropic purpose. She quoted a song which lyrics said, "just keep on using me until you use me up."

If you ever wonder what my philosophy is when it comes to my approach towards the work I and my team do (Any work - Regardless of how big or small, how fun or difficult) it is actually two fold. The first is to remember everything I (or those I work with) do will benefit the "Greater Good" (or the "Bigger Picture"). In my case the "Greater Good" is usually the event, the Client, the experience of the guests and so on.

The second is to strive to do every job (again regardless of task's size or status) with great care, pride, dedication, to the best of my ability and usually extending myself to rise above and beyond what is called for. I often think of these words which sum up my philosophy beautifully...

"If it falls to our luck to be street-sweepers, sweep the streets, like Raphael painted pictures, like Michelangelo carved marble, like Shakespeare wrote poetry, and like Beethoven composed music. Sweep the streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth would have to pause and say ... ...Here lived a great street sweeper"

- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., June 20, 1965

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